I really love this series! They have a tragic beauty to them that reminds me of Drooker. How can I get a print? I seem to remember a promise of some artwork for my house. Ahem...perhaps they would make a nice gift...on a completely unrelated note, I do have a birthday coming up.
It probably reminds you of Drooker because I am sha-ha-haaaamelessly imitating Drooker. That and the people stencils from 'The Watchmen'.
I anyone wants to see how this is actually done, go to www.drooker.com. Seems like a good guy. Provides pretty high-resolution versions of his work free, with the request that you not sell them or post them without somehow referencing his authorship.
I really love this series! They have a tragic beauty to them that reminds me of Drooker. How can I get a print? I seem to remember a promise of some artwork for my house. Ahem...perhaps they would make a nice gift...on a completely unrelated note, I do have a birthday coming up.
It probably reminds you of Drooker because I am sha-ha-haaaamelessly imitating Drooker. That and the people stencils from 'The Watchmen'.
I anyone wants to see how this is actually done, go to www.drooker.com. Seems like a good guy. Provides pretty high-resolution versions of his work free, with the request that you not sell them or post them without somehow referencing his authorship.
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