A blogger read this chart as meaning that 44 of our senators 'hate the Constitution and basic civil rights'. I would say that those senators certainly disqualified themselves from ever holding a government job of any type again, but not because they hate the constitution. They don't hate it, they just think it's unnecessary.
Yar har har, mateys! Avast, Senators and Congressmen - stand and deliver me civil liberties!
Oh. You say "Talk Like A Pirate Day" was yesterday?
But it's still dubloons, dubloons for votes on the floor of the House and Senate. Pieces of Eight and bundles of checks for $2,300.
speaking as an ex-pat who is too often shamefully out of the political loop, i appreciate the postings that give me yet another reason to me ashamed of my homeland. maybe it's counterintuitive, but it's true. keep it up.
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