Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I usually try to avoid posting the newest horrific political story here, especially because i end up getting embarrassed with my anger and taking them down, but here is an important one.

A blogger read this chart as meaning that 44 of our senators 'hate the Constitution and basic civil rights'. I would say that those senators certainly disqualified themselves from ever holding a government job of any type again, but not because they hate the constitution. They don't hate it, they just think it's unnecessary.


Anonymous said...

Yar har har, mateys! Avast, Senators and Congressmen - stand and deliver me civil liberties!

Oh. You say "Talk Like A Pirate Day" was yesterday?

But it's still dubloons, dubloons for votes on the floor of the House and Senate. Pieces of Eight and bundles of checks for $2,300.

Isabel said...

speaking as an ex-pat who is too often shamefully out of the political loop, i appreciate the postings that give me yet another reason to me ashamed of my homeland. maybe it's counterintuitive, but it's true. keep it up.