As you can tell from the picture, It was a slow paced, moody piece that really gave the actors room to practice their craft.
I was introduced to the first of these movies after a $1.50 VHS clearance splurge, and this new addition to the 'storyline' really helped tie up all the loose ends. For example: shipping containers can hold many many MANY more 'super zombies' than you would have ever imagined. Its like clowns in a phone booth with those things.
And for those of you interested in getting into the cinematic make-up trade, throw away that make-up kit and get yourself a computer. Any reasonably close shot of our super-powered, kurkri-wielding heroine sported over-done computer smoothing of her face.
Great movie. Great movie.
i just went to imdb to read the plot synopsis (warning! containing spoilers!) of this film, and it made me giggle. "new, enraged zombies"?! "a self-regenerating mutant with tentacles that can extend out an infinite length, capable of pursuing human flesh"?! how has this movie not yet been released in london?!
wait, plot? they could actually summarize that? my god those IMDB people have some real skill! when i try it just sort of devolves. watch this.
'Resident Evil 3' is a movie that starts with a shot of mila jovovitch naked in a shower and...look out! oh, there was nothing there. look out! that laser almost got you! ahhH! look out! it got you! or did it! ahh! zombies zombies zombies zombies high-powered-motorcycle? zombies! zombies? nipple? ZOMBIE DOGS! ZOMBIE DOGS! dude, did she just punch out a zombie dog? AHHHH! zombie roadkill...now that i think of it, a sort of cinematic tribute to both spartacus and mad max that is AHHHH! ZOMBIE CROWS!
and so on and so forth.
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