Thursday, October 11, 2007


Anonymous said...

Weirdly luminescent tarmac, there. I wonder what they put on those airport runways?

Hojo Mantooth said...

If the price of mid-flight snacks are any indication, I'll wager its pure gold.

Anonymous said...

Ahh - I just figured out it's a picture from the air, taken at night. For some reason I thought it was taken on the ground and the runway just looked really odd. I'm an idiot.

Hedy De Vine said...

Is that last picture from Senator Craig's bathroom?

Isabel said...

taggity taggity tag tag!

you know, if you're into this sort of thing.

(check my blog)

Hojo Mantooth said...

Hedy: If I had a dime for every time I innocently whistled 'somewhere over the rainbow' back to some guy in a bathroom and caressed his ankles...
What can I say, I'm crazy for argyle socks.

Isabel: Agggggh! Did you do this to toy with me? You know I'm not big into email circulars or cute online surveys....

On the other hand, maybe this is a loyalty test, a test of my character. Hmmm. In that case the stakes are high. Or low, depending on your view of my character...

Well, I'll drink on it and see if I can step up to the plate around bar-time.